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Getting started


Open Dynamic Export is a Node/TypeScript project implementing dynamic export control/solar curtailment of inverters. It aims to solve these use cases:

  • dynamic connection requirements (CSIP-AUS/SEP2/IEEE 2030.5) of various Australian energy distributors (DNSPs)
  • fixed/zero export limitations (e.g. 1.5kW export limit)
  • two-way tariffs (e.g.time based) export limitation
  • negative feed-in (e.g. Amber) export limitation



The system uses one or more "limiters" to set the operating envelope of the site. All limiters are restrictive, that is a combination of multiple limiters will evaluate all limiters and enforce the most prohibitive value of each control type at any one time. Learn more about configuring limiters.


The system supports one or more inverters to measure the site's generation metrics and control the power output. Learn more about configuring inverters.

Site meter

The system supports one site meter to measure the site's load and export metrics. Learn more about configuring site meter.


  1. Clone Git repo

  2. Copy .env.example and rename it to .env and change the values to suit your environment

  3. In the /config folder, make a copy of the config.example.json file and rename it to config.json. Update it with the relevant values, see the "Configuration" section for more details.

Use Node or Docker to run the project.


You can run the Node project directly with the Node.js runtime.

  1. Install dependencies with npm install

  2. Build the project with npm run build

  3. Run the project with npm start

Docker compose

  1. Run docker compose up -d to use from the Docker Hub image (optionally run docker compose up -d --build to build the image from the source code)

  2. Optionally uncomment the influxdb service in the docker-compose.yml file to enable logging to InfluxDB

Web UI

You can view the dashboard at http://localhost:3000 (or the server port you specified in the .env file).

Dashboard UI